Ken Eastwood
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Ken Eastwood information
Check the information about Ken Eastwood
- ID: 5117
- NAME: Ken Eastwood
- COUNTRY: Australia
- Full: Kenneth Humphrey Eastwood
- Name: November 23, 1935, Chatswood, Sydney, New South Wales
- Born: 83 years 121 days
- Current: Australia - Victoria
- Height: Left-hand bat
- Nickname: Slow left-arm chinaman
Ken Eastwood Statistics
Check the available statistics on Ken Eastwood
- Batting Tests Inns: 5
- Batting Tests NO: 5
- Batting Tests Runs: 2.50
- Batting Tests HS: 25
- Batting Tests Ave: 20.00
- Batting T20Is Ct: 42
- Batting T20Is St: 68
- Batting First Class Mat: 3
- Batting First Class Inns: 2722
- Batting First Class NO: 221
- Batting First Class Runs: 41.87
- Batting First Class BF: 9
- Batting First Class Strike Rate: 8
- Batting First Class 4s: 27
- Batting First Class Ct: 4
- Batting First Class St: 4
- Batting List A Inns: 139
- Batting List A NO: 69
- Batting List A Runs: 34.75
- Batting List A Strike Rate: 1
- Batting List A 4s: 2
- Batting T20s Ct: 1
- Batting T20s St: 1
- Bowling Tests Mat: 40
- Bowling Tests Inns: 21
- Bowling Tests Balls: 1
- Bowling Tests Runs: 1/21
- Bowling Tests Wkts: 1/21
- Bowling Tests BBI: 21.00
- Bowling Tests BBM: 3.15
- Bowling Tests Ave: 40.0
- Bowling T20Is 5w: 42
- Bowling First Class Mat: 616
- Bowling First Class Inns: 383
- Bowling First Class Balls: 6
- Bowling First Class Runs: 1/10
- Bowling First Class BBI: 63.83
- Bowling First Class BBM: 3.73
- Bowling First Class Ave: 102.6
- Bowling First Class 5w: 4
- Bowling First Class 10: -
- Bowling List A Mat: -
- Bowling List A Inns: -
- Bowling List A Balls: -
- Bowling List A Runs: -
- Bowling List A Wkts: -
- Bowling List A BBI: -
- Bowling List A BBM: -
- Bowling List A Ave: -
- Bowling List A Econ: -
- Bowling List A Strike Rate: -
- Bowling List A 4w: -
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Categories: Australia