Gerardus "G" Regter information and opinions
Gerardus "G" Regter is an athlete from Netherlands who debuted in the Olympic Games.
Check all the information, Gerardus "G" Regter participations in the Olympic games, rankings and opinions and related athletes of Gerardus "G" Regter, from Netherlands.
Gerardus "G" Regter information
Check the information about Gerardus "G" Regter.
- Complete name: Gerardus "G" Regter
- Nationality of Gerardus "G" Regter: Netherlands
- Sex: M
- Age: 20
Gerardus "G" Regter participations in the Olympic games
Check the information about Gerardus "G" Regter.
Events of Gerardus "G" Regter in the Olympic Games of 1936
Water Polo Men's Water Polo 1936
- Age: 20 years
- Height: NA cm
- Weight: NA kg
- Team: Netherlands
- Olympic Games: 1936 Summer
- Season: Summer
- City: Berlin
- Sport: Water Polo
- Event: Water Polo Men's Water Polo
- Medal: NA
Athletes related to Gerardus "G" Regter
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Gerardus "G" Regter rating and opinions
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